About Us

Jesus is Our King

OrganicOutreach holds to the word of God and all that it says. Jesus is the King of Kings, and all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him (Matthew 28:18–20). Every square inch of creation is subject to his authority, and therefore OrganicOutreach aims to operate everything to the Glory of God.

Removing the Barriers to Growth

Founded in 2018, OrganicOutreach's mission on the technical front is to remove the barriers that have been put in place to stop legitimate B2B businesses from growing. We believe IT problems should never stop cashflow.

Our Values

God 1st

We love God, and strive to keep him first in all that we do. From writing copy, setting up emails, talking to our clients, God's will being done is our desire. (Matthew 22:37)

Love For Neighbor

We aim to do as God has commanded by loving our neighbor as ourself, both internally with our team members and externally to our clients. (Matthew 22:39–40)

Godly Production

We always work to our best ability and strive to be more efficient and innovative as a form of worship to God. (Colossians 3:23–24)

The Mighty Team

Joe Petruzzi
Kennedy Pavlik
Head of CS
Joice Pedrano
Customer Success Specialist